Sam's Spot

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


I had a pie with tomato sauce for lunch today. I wanted a smoothie but they didn’t have the smoothie machine. Bummer.

I think Mum is making a chicken thing for dinner, it smells very nice. I think I like her chicken things.


I'm listening to PC3

I decided I better write a blog entry as I haven’t been bloggin for the last few days. I have an assignment due soon so I better do that but recently I have just recovered from the flu. I had a week off school and was in bed the whole week!!

It’s my birthday in 5 days, (not counting today) my birthday’s on the 5th and our group are all going to the mall not next weekend but the one after to celebrate mine and Bri’s birthday. Yay!! A movie.

I managed to get out of bed on Sunday and went and saw Love Is. It was fantastic (pitty about the robbery). It’s so good to see the end product of something you have spent weeks helping make. I looked more at how it was made and the things in it than focusing on the main story. I realised some things about it after the movie but it’s great seeing the scenes put together instead of reading the script and trying to figure out what it’s supposed to look like.

I’m downloading MSN 7.5 which is the new one. The only problem is that I downloaded a trailer of IMBD of the new Final Fantasy movie, not that I really like FF, but I waisted all the bandwidth so not my internet is going 28kb/s which means it’s going slow. Oh well.

I had a good day at school today. We had history first period where I did remote desktop to half the computers. It’s good that no one was using the computers in F16 because they all said “Locked by 9sw” or “Locked by 9ag”. LOL

It was school photos today. I think I blinked in every photo. Ohh well. My portrait looked fine though, I sat down and the lady clicked the camera and my photo came up on a computer. I’m usually ok with school photos, I don’t fret heaps about my hair or how my makeup is. (Not that I wear makeup)

I decided this afternoon to photoshop. I haven’t photoshopped  for ages. So I decided to give it a go. I produced two lovely artworks worth millions of dollars. I think. I used a render of clouds for one and a couple of pretty gradients for the other. It looked good.

Adam seems to be going well with his “Hackopedia” cookbook thing for people hacking a school network. See, I get little updates every so often about things Adam is doing so I’m “In the know” if you know what I mean.

Damn this download is taking soooo long. (

Maybe I should go do the assignment, no, I’m gonna go play piano.


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Double Hit

Hey, I’m testing out this blog posting thing from Microsoft word.

I’ll write more later but I would like to tell y’all what happened when I was clicking the Next Blog Button. I got this blog and then got it again a few blogs later. That’s pretty funny.


Friday, August 19, 2005


ELLO, I haven't blogged for a few days because I've been buisy with my movie and when I start to blog, I always end up writing a huge Autobiography.
All I have to do now is make my clapperboard and finish the screen plays things.
I have to go to school soon, I'm in a computer room first period and I'm trying to run Linux on a schol computer, the school computers have XP but my friend Adam has this DVD which has on it a copy of Linux, the only problem is that none of us have DVD players on our computers so we have to do it from school.

Anyway I have decided not to write heaps because I'll end up missing my bus.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

Church, Church and my family

Today started for me at 9:00 when I realised that church started in an hour, so I got dressed and had breakfast and got to church.
At church, I went to drama with Tom and my friends. We did skits and they were ok but half of the group are so immature, they scream and shout and don't do anything they're told. It started this year when a new guy came and all the younger people from year 6 came up. I don't think they know how to behave and I think they should act their own age. I don't know how Tom puts up with it, God must really give him paticence.

My Grandparents, Uncle and two counsins came over to my place, it was my Grandfathers birthday. We had cake and talked about stuff for a while.
At about 4:30 I asked my Mum if she could take me to youthgroup for 5:00 and she said ok. It turned out that my grandparents were leaving at 4:45 and I would eather have to walk or go with them early. So I went with them.

At the oval, I walked around aimlessly for a few minutes until Courtney Mcloud came. We talked until Rob came and it turned out that the leaders pray at 4:45. Rob and Courtney decided to pray even though the rest of the leaders weren't there. Mid way through praying, the other leaders came and joined in. At 5:00 we started kicking a ball around and in a few minutes were warmed up and we started to play a game of soccer.
I'm not that good at soccer but it's still fun because we don't have to be that good to play and have fun.

We walked back to church and Henry's parents were there cooking us sausages for dinner. They were those big fat ones from the butcher and were quite nice. Tom wrote a discussion topic for us asking which is more important, looking after the environment or evangelising/looking after people.
Church started at 6:30 and Stephen Morse preached. After church Lauren asked me if I would like to play keys for the Ernie prayer meeting next week. I accepted so I'll be playing next week.

Anyway it's getting late now so I'm gonna go to bed.


Saturday, August 13, 2005

I had a swell BBQ today.

At 12:00 today I went on an Ernie social for the smallgroup I'm in. We went down to the park underneath Roseville Bridge and had a BBQ. I had stake for lunch as did Tom, so we were "stake buddies." I also had Caesar salad.
Andrew McLoud was there and he had some obsession with Poo...
Tom, Sam Gibbins, James Irwin and I played Frisbee until Henry and Ben B came running past saying something about fire, smoke and fun. I find fire fun, so I left the game and gathered sticks and leaves and kept the fire going. Ben came back with a load of leaves and we shoved them into the fire and made heaps of smoke. We kept the fire going and put all sorts of things on it like Coke and Twisties, you know we did the things teenage boys do with fires. Anyway, after we had our fun and had to go, we were all smelling like a fire.

When I came back, I met my Mum's cousin and her husband from England. We took them on a trip along the coast, we even went to summer bay. My Mum's cousin is doing the marathon tomorrow.

At 5:00 after going along the coast, I went to radio with Neil. Neil, Henry and I do a radio show each week, we play all sorts of Christian songs like Soul survivor music. It was only Neil and I there today because Henry had a church band practice. The radio station is Northern Beaches Radio and broardcasts on 90.3 and 88.7, personally I have never heard it on 88.7.

My Mum picked me up at 6:00 and we went home. Rachael and Jon (Mum's cousin and her husband) were at my place and we all had dessert. After that, Jon and I went outside and made small explosives. (All perfectly legal, I'm serious) My Mum bought sparklers so I used them as a wick. I made one explosion from lighting Zinc Dust and sulfur, it made a green explosion and a mini mushroom cloud. (If you know me, ask me what I did after that!)

I watched Dr Who at 7:30, it was the end of the series and I was a bit disappointed by the very end because the Dr changed. I also watched Very Little Britain which was very funny.

Sadly at 8:30 Rachael and Jon had to go back to where they were staying to sleep and get ready for the marathon.
I think I'll go and sleep now, life sometimes seems like a marathon.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Revamping My Blog and other stuff.

Well, I had a fantastic idea, I'm going to put where's wally pictures as the background and put a picture of me as wally and every month you have to find me. The only thing I'm worried about is copywrite law. I have to get that up and running.

Yesterday I went to school and didn't do anything really interesting. I lost my diary(a book were we write all our homework in and it has our timetable etc.) and so now I will have to go around and find it.
In the afternoon after school I got straight off the bus at the church and had a meeting with Stephen Morse. We talked about ideas for the church website which at the moment is looking a bit daggy. We also had a chelsie tea cake and all natural lemonade.

I have a gmail account and if anyone wants a gmail address, post a comment expressing your intrest and your existing email address.

See ya round.

PS. Sorry if the spelling and grammer is bad.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I've Set up a new blog

Hey, this is my second personal blog. My first one is at:

I'm actually at school at the moment and we are designing a one-day tour through a museum of our choice, I'm doing The Lourve.

I'm going to make my own theme for my blog but now I don't have time.

Anyway, better get back to work.

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